Why Is My Car Making a Rattling Noise? Troubleshooting the Problem

There is never a good time for car troubles to arise. The ironic thing is they always seem to creep up on you when you really can’t afford it. But the reality is that cars break down, even if you do your best to keep your chariot in tip-top condition.

A great way to avoid spending an unholy amount of money on your repair bill is by nipping issues in the bud as soon as they arise. So, if you find yourself wondering ”why is my car making a rattling noise?”, here are the possible issues that could be at play.

Why is My Car Making a Rattling Noise?

There are certain types of sounds a car shouldn’t make – and rattling is cause for concern. It’s especially important to take note of a rattling noise if it appears out of nowhere, i.e. it’s a sound you haven’t heard before.

Here are common mechanical issues that cause interior rattling, exterior rattling, and system damage:

A Misaligned Exhaust System

If you hear a rattling sound coming from underneath your car, you could have an issue with your exhaust system. In short, this rattling could come from a loose or misaligned exhaust. Or, there could be a similar issue with your silencer which sits right beside your exhaust.

Luckily, these mechanical issues are simple, quick fixes.

Suspension Issues

When you drive over speed bumps, potholes, or on a bumpy road and hear rattling coming from underneath your car, this could also be a sign of a faulty suspension. Various components can come loose in your suspension such as the ball joints, tie rods, struts, or control arms.

This is not an issue that you can DIY – take your car to a Milford auto shop right away.

Low Engine Oil

If the rattling sound comes from under the hood of your car, near the engine area, a common issue is low engine oil. This is the first thing you should check! When your engine isn’t as lubricated as it needs to be, certain parts chafe and rattle together.

Low engine oil is a quick and easy fix, but it’s super important as it can lead to major engine damage if left unchecked.

A Faulty Serpentine/Drive Belt

Your car’s engine system is comprised of numerous components, including a serpentine/drive belt and timing belt. The serpentine belt, specifically, drives the alternator, AC, and water pump. It’s also easy to notice, while the timing belt is hidden under a protective cover.

A faulty or loose serpentine belt can cause a rattling noise.

A Damaged Catalytic Converter

If the rattling noise is loudest when you first start your engine, this could point to an issue with your catalytic converter. This component consists of honeycomb-shaped pieces that will make a rattling noise if they’re broken.

Unfortunately, this is a pricey fix, but it’s not something you can’t ignore.

Interior Rattling

If the rattling sound comes from inside your car, this is generally a very simple issue. The first place to inspect is your glove box. It could contain loose objects rattling around inside it, or the glove box itself could become loose in its fittings.

If you can’t find the source, however, it’s always a good idea to take your car in for an auto repair service.

Auto Care in Milford, We’ve Got You Covered

If you’ve been wondering ”why is my car making a rattling noise?” and you can’t seem to find the source of the issue, it’s high time you brought your car to Day Heights Auto Service. As a trusted auto repair shop in the Milford region for over 40 years, your car is in the best hands possible.

Get in touch with our team for reliable car servicing you can count on.