5 Signs You’re in Need of Heavy Duty Truck Repair Services

There are more than 3.5 million truck drivers in the United States, making it critical to understand the industry – and the machinery that runs it. These trucks travel thousands of miles regularly, making it so that they’re gathering up a great deal of wear and tear.

If you’re a truck driver, understanding heavy-duty truck repair is practically a job requirement. How can you know what to do when you see that check engine light come on?

If you’re curious about truck repair, in Milford we’re here to offer our guidance. Read on for the five most common signs you need a repair team ASAP.

1. Noisy Engine

One of the first things you may notice is a noisy engine. Unfortunately, this is also one of the hardest things to notice, as engines aren’t exactly quiet.

What you should look for is strange, out-of-the-ordinary sounds. If your engine is grinding or making a high-pitched whine, something may have fallen out of place, for example.

Pay close attention to your engine, especially if the check engine light comes out. Even seemingly normal sounds can hint at a serious problem.

2. Issues With Starting

Have you tried to start your truck to find your engine failing to turn over? Maybe your engine hesitates, but starts successfully?

These issues are often signs that your engine needs repair. However, it can also hint at issues with your battery. Consider having a repair team take a peek to see what’s causing the issue.

3. Leaking Fluids

If you find that your truck is leaking fluids, there’s likely a break in a hose. However, you should also check what fluids are leaking.

For example, if your air conditioning is running, your car may leave a puddle behind. Typically, this isn’t something you need to concern yourself with. But if there’s oil, coolant, or a similar fluid left behind, that’s an issue.

4. Higher Exhaust Than Usual

Has your truck been putting off more exhaust than usual? Another sign is that the exhaust is a deeper black than it typically is.

These can show that there’s an issue with your exhaust system. It’s likely time to bring your truck into a local Milford, OH shop for maintenance.

5. Problems Braking or Steering

Finally, if you’re having difficulty with driving, that can indicate problems with your truck. You’ll mostly see these if your brakes are less responsive than usual or if you’re having steering problems.

Needless to say, these can become life-threatening issues. If your truck is less responsive, immediately have a repair team investigate as to why. Don’t risk having your brakes fail on the road.

Finding Heavy-Duty Truck Repair

Heavy-duty truck repair can seem overwhelming, especially when trying to fit it into your busy schedule. Do your best to keep your eyes out for signs of severe wear and tear so you can have your truck serviced when necessary.

We at Day Heights Auto Service have been in business in Ohio since 1982. We’ve spent our decades with a vision to provide the best service to our customers. Contact us today to see how we can keep your vehicle running.